

T. K. Pun, M. Khoshnevis, T. Hosman, G. H. Wilson, A. Kapitonava, Foram Kamdar, J. M. Henderson, J. D. Simeral, C. E. Vargas-Irwin, M. T. Harrison, L. R. Hochberg.

Measuring instability in chronic human intracortical neural recordings towards stable, long-term brain-computer interfaces

Submitted. Under review.


G. H Wilson, E. A. Stein, F. Kamdar, D. T. Avansino, T. K. Pun, R. Gross, T. Hosman, T. Singer-Clark, A. Kapitonava, L. R. Hochberg, J. D. Simeral, K. V. Shenoy, S. Druckmann, J. M. Henderson, F. R. Willett.

Long-term unsupervised recalibration of cursor BCIs.

Submitted. Under review.


Y. L. Tsai, D. P. Ha, H. Zhao, A. J. Carlos, S. Wei, T. K. Pun, K. Wu, E. Zandi, K. Kelly, and A. S. Lee.

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Activates SRC Relocating Chaperones to the Cell Surface where GRP78/CD109 Blocks TGF-β Signaling

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 115, no. 18, E4245–E4254, 2018.



T. K. Pun*, T. Hosman*, A. Kapitonava, J. D. Simeral, and L. R. Hochberg. (*co-first authors)

Months-long high-performance fixed LSTM decoder for cursor control in human intracortical brain-computer interfaces.

11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland. USA. pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/NER52421.2023.10123740


J. Jude, T. K. Pun, T. Hosman, C. Nicolas, A. Kapitonava, J. N. Kelemen, L. R. Hochberg, D. Rubin.

Spatiotemporal transformers accommodate future neural nonstationarities for iBCIs with minimal training data through contrastive learning.

Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual meeting. Washington, D.C.


T. K. Pun, T. Hosman, A. Kapitonava, C. E. Vargas-Irwin, J. D. Simeral, M. T. Harrison, L. R. Hochberg.

Tracking nonstationarity In multi-day intracortical neural recordings during iBCI cursor control by a person with tetraplegia.

Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual meeting. San Diego, CA.


T. K. Pun, T. Hosman, A. Kapitonava, C. E. Vargas-Irwin, J.D. Simeral, M. T. Harrison, Leigh R. Hochberg.

Tracking nonstationarity In multi-day intracortical neural recordings during iBCI use by a person with tetraplegia.

Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles (AREADNE). Santorini, Greece.


T. K. Pun, M. Khoshnevis, M. Harrison, L. R. Hochberg.

Statistical measures of nonstationarity in simulated neural data during BCI 2D control.

Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual meeting. Virtual.


T. K. Pun, A. Catoya, C. E. Vargas-Irwin, S. S. Cash, J. D. Simeral, L. R. Hochberg.

Identifying Changes in Volitional State and Task Engagement Based on the Intrinsic Structure of Neural Ensemble Activity Patterns in Motor Cortex of People with Tetraplegia During Daily Activities and BCI Use

Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual meeting, Chicago, IL. 2019.


S. Arnold, T. K. Pun, T. J. Denisart, F. J. Valero-Cuevas.

Shapechanger: Environments for Transfer Learning

SoCal Robotics Symposium, Los Angeles, CA. 2017.


L. Yu, T. K. Pun, E. Meng.

A Contactless Electrochemical Impedance Measurement Method

Hilton Head: A Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop. p. 121. 2016